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Montag, Februar 18, 2008

Animoto is damn cool!

Hi Animoto :)
If you ever read this animoto guys: YOU ROCK!

At first the story why they so absolutely rock:
  1. Animoto is cool: see it yourself at
  2. I wanted to buy an all access pass because I like the service so much and I wanted to use it to make longer Videos.
  3. To get an all access pass or even buy a single video you must use Google checkout to buy the thing. That's a problem for me, because I don't want to give google credit card data, as it connects this data with your google account. And that's not favorable, as I don't know if this goes into my credit score somehow.
  4. So I mailed animoto support and told them my problem. They responded in very short time and proposed billing via paypal which I thankfully accepted.
  5. I use another eMail address for my paypal account than I use for animoto, so I thought to make things right I'll register the "animoto"-mail address with paypal, that they could bill me on the standard way.
  6. Paypal accepted the invoice on the new eMail address but replied with the standard eMail address to animoto where the people were a bit confused about money they received with an eMail address attached they don't know.
  7. The Animoto guys eMailed me on that "odd" address to ask what went wrong and I replied to the request stating the right eMail address.
  8. 3 Minutes later I got an reply that the problem is solved and my account will be activated soon. (Wow, that's fast!)
So now what? This is customer friendlyness as I like it. Go on Animoto, keep things up!

Eingestellt von dunkelstern

1 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Thanks Johannes, for the nice write-up. We are glad you signed up for the All-Access Pass. As always, if you have any problems or questions, never hesitate to write in.

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